
Geezer's Diary Part 42 - Cardboard fan

Title (Dublin Core)

Geezer's Diary Part 42 - Cardboard fan

Description (Dublin Core)

Chris Bateman is back with more musings during the pandemic. In this 'diary entry', he discusses his purchase of a cardboard cutout version of him to sit in the stadium in his stead. He details his pros and cons for this purchase, and the thoughts of his friends and colleagues on the matter. It seems like a fun, if expensive, way to remain involved in sports even while COVID-19 has eliminated the possibility of normal sporting events. As a lifelong San Francisco Giants fan, it's hard to get behind his choice in team, but I appreciate his dedication.
Over 60, sports, baseball, Oakland A's, cardboard cutout

Date (Dublin Core)

July 9, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Chris Bateman

Type (Dublin Core)

news article

Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Publisher (Dublin Core)

The Union Democrat

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Sports
English Recreation & Leisure
English Social Distance

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Oakland A's
cardboard cutout
Coliseum Cutout
American League
empty stadiums
foul ball

Collection (Dublin Core)

San Francisco Bay Area

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


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