
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Simon

Title (Dublin Core)

Humans of Covid-19 AU: Simon

Description (Dublin Core)

“In terms of music, the future is very uncertain. For everyone in my band, and friends who play music and survive on it, their livelihood has been turned off at the switch. It's a really weird feeling for society. Everyone in the industry knows how to hustle and change up their thing, but it’s just so uncertain. Many artists have no plans and no clear road ahead.
I just started a relationship with someone a couple of months ago. Two weeks later, we went into lockdown. But it’s been really awesome. Having a good person in my life has been really important.
When there’s no plans to be made, there’s a sort of a freedom when you can just focus on the day. It is nice to make everything small like that - focusing on the 14-16 waking hours and not expecting too much out of them.
Simplicity has been getting me through this. The pot plants are getting a fair amount of attention...”

Instagram post on Simon, musician, and his experience during the pandemic, which was created by a psychology student living in Melbourne who was interested to hear about how COVID-19 was impacting on different peoples’ lives.

Date (Dublin Core)

May 18, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Amira Moshinsky

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Jen Rodriguez

Type (Dublin Core)

Instagram post

Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Music
English Biography
English Home & Family Life

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

personal relationships
personal experience
music industry

Collection (Dublin Core)

en Survivor Stories

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Item sets

This item was submitted on June 22, 2020 by Jen Rodriguez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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