
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Hugo Ling

Title (Dublin Core)

Humans of Covid-19 AU: Hugo Ling

Description (Dublin Core)

“It’s strange having all this time to myself at home. I'm not necessarily someone who spends a lot of time at home alone doing my own thing in normal circumstances. The first few weeks were very funny to sit back and think ‘What are my interests? What am I into?’ I’ve been trying to do things that keep my brain active, like Boggle, practising my French, and learning some Spanish.
Coming back a few months ago from exchange in France has given me some perspective on COVID19. I’ve got a few friends over there who are completely locked in their apartment. Here, we’re lucky to still have the freedom to walk and bike ride at our leisure. I’ve been doing both of them a lot.
Earlier in the pandemic, everyone was talking about ‘social distancing’. My mum pointed out that the better term is ‘physical distancing’. You don't want to be socially distant, you want to be socially connected, with a distance - something that me and my friends have maintained.
I’ve been feeding off the creativity of some of my friends: weekly Zoom live music; a home-made magazine; a friend is making Vino Quarantino. So there are a few things that have been happening amongst my close circle that keep us all talking, interested and connected.
We’ll definitely carry the habit of diligent handwashing into the future, and a greater consideration for general hygiene. The pandemic has definitely sparked that in my house. I get bouts of cabin fever from time to time, but am trying to keep busy and active.”

Instagram post on Hugo Ling, student, and his experience during the pandemic, which was created by a psychology student living in Melbourne who was interested to hear about how COVID-19 was impacting on different peoples’ lives.

Date (Dublin Core)

April 30, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Amira Moshinsky

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Jen Rodriguez

Type (Dublin Core)

Instagram post

Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Recreation & Leisure
English Social Distance
English Biography

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

personal experience
cabin fever

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


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This item was submitted on June 22, 2020 by Jen Rodriguez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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