
Missing The Real World


Title (Dublin Core)

Missing The Real World

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Description (Dublin Core)

These past months were mentally and physically draining for me. This pandemic has ruined relationships but also founded new relationships with new people. I miss school, I miss being in class, and I miss seeing my friends. Being at home all day and not being able to see my friend has taken a toll on me and has made me feel so lonely like freshman year when I was new to public school. This pandemic has made me realize that school is awesome. The idea of being able to learn through teacher-student interactions and friends has made me miss school even more. Not only school, but, sports. Being a huge NBA fan, my favorite player will always be Lebron James and hearing the head director of the NBA saying that the season will most likely be postponed has hurt me emotionally because I would love to see Lebron raise that trophy and scream "this is for you kobe." It also sucks knowing one of the best parts in life which is high school, is being postponed due to a virus.

Date (Dublin Core)

May 31, 2020

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Bao Ong

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Garden Grove High School

Type (Dublin Core)

text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--K12
English Emotion
English Sports

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Lebron James
Kobe Bryant

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

junior year
AP online

Collection (Dublin Core)


Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Item sets

This item was submitted on June 1, 2020 by Bao Ong using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

Click here to view the collected data.

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