
A Nurse in the Greater Boston area showing off PPE that she has been able to find as hospitals there brace for a potential shortage of supplies.

Title (Dublin Core)

A Nurse in the Greater Boston area showing off PPE that she has been able to find as hospitals there brace for a potential shortage of supplies.

Description (Dublin Core)

A nurse from one of the top hospitals in the Greater Boston area showing off what materials she uses when having to enter into a possible Covid patient's room. Materials are starting to run short meaning that some items, such as masks and glasses, are having to be reused as health guidelines are relaxed to counter the anticipated shortages.
Photograph taken at a hospital

Date (Dublin Core)

March 18, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)


Contributor (Dublin Core)

Joey Dorion

Type (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Healthcare
English Clothing & Accessories

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Greater Boston

Collection (Dublin Core)

English Healthcare

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