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Collected Item: “Six in 10 Chinese Canadians say they have adjusted routines to avoid racist run-ins during COVID-19”

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Six in 10 Chinese Canadians say they have adjusted routines to avoid racist run-ins during COVID-19

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news article

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Article discussing the statistics of racism and fear thereof towards people of Chinese descent in Canada during the pandemic.

"Community groups, individuals and some police departments have raised the alarm about harassment linked to the pandemic, but the executive director of the Angus Reid Institute, Shachi Kurl, says the goal of the survey was to try and generate some empirical data on the issue.

'What we hear from Canadians of Chinese descent and Chinese ethnicity is, this is a real lived experience for significant numbers of them,' Ms. Kurl said in an interview.

'[The survey] really speaks to the depth and breadth and scope and true saturation of this experience.'

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racism, chinese canadian, harassment

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Ian Bailey, The Globe and Mail

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