
Slow gain, slow lose

Title (Dublin Core)

Slow gain, slow lose

Description (Dublin Core)

Ahhh Covid. From March until December I steadily gained more weight than I ever have (without being 9 months pregnant)! Each month progression was a steady +5, +5, +5, +5, +5, +5, +5 … Until December 13th. The day before my daughter’s wedding. I tried to squeeze myself into ANYTHING that might pass for wedding attire. Work clothes did not fit anymore, not even a cute pair of jeans. Would my husbands slacks work? The answer is nope! Apparently ten months of wearing pajamas and stress eating was really affecting my ability to gauge my own girth.
This was traumatic for me. I pride myself in being prepared for any occasion. In my closet I have funeral outfits, wedding outfits, professional outfits. All carefully curated over the years to see me through anything. I thought I was prepared for my daughter’s wedding. I imagined a stroll from the living room to my closet where I would just choose whatever wedding attire I was in the mood for that morning and come out shining! But nope! Not this day. Instead, my husband had to make an emergency trip to the Target drive-up after I panic ordered every size of the same pair of pants and blouse, crying the whole time.
All of this, is leading to my favorite thing. A $30 Walmart trampoline. I ordered it on a whim with the groceries I had ordered on delivery. I didn’t even think they would have it. It seems all exercise equipment has been sold out during the pandemic, along with board games and toilet paper. I bounce in the morning, I bounce during passing period, I bounce after work. I watch movies and bounce. I listen to podcasts and bounce! I have (so far) bounced off a total of 10 pounds since December 13th. I still need to bounce off another 30 and maybe my pants will fit again. My husband and kids are annoyed by the constant bouncing. But it was cheaper than most other exercise equipment and I hardly notice I am working out when I am into the latest Netflix binge.

Date (Dublin Core)

January 12, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Dana Lee Bell

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Dana Lee Bell

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Clothing & Accessories
English Health & Wellness

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

weight gain
work out
weight loss

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

pandemic prompt
my favorite things

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

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This item was submitted on January 12, 2021 by Dana Lee Bell using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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