
Summer School in Idaho


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Summer School in Idaho

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On Friday, June 12th, the summer school team at my school met to discuss our plans for summer school in July. A few weeks ago, we received word from the district that summer school would be happening *in person* in July. As a team, we met via Microsoft Teams (to respect stage 3 of Idaho's reopening) and set up a curriculum for the summer. Our meeting was so focused on student numbers, curriculum, and overall joy that we get to see our students in person again. At the end of the meeting, one of the teachers asked, "do we have to take any extra precautions? Are we teaching with masks on?" There was a moment of silence as we all realized that he hadn't added Clorox wipes or hand sanitizer to our shopping lists, as many teachers donated our classroom supplies to our local homeless shelters when schools close.
ASU, HST580, Secondary Education, Summer School

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Photograph of my computer

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A paper heart that is taped to the inside of a front door that says: Wash UR HANDS PLS"I prefer my Corona in a bottle." Link Image

This item was submitted on June 16, 2020 by Morgan Keena using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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