
A Memorial Is Never Small

Title (Dublin Core)

A Memorial Is Never Small

Description (Dublin Core)

A police station was situated a few years back in my neighborhood, which was a welcome addition as the otherwise quiet neighborhood had been experiencing low level crime and quality of life issues. For the first time in my life, I will be served multiple glimpses into a working police station as I would use the subway stop multiple times, albeit not during the covid lock down as I was staying indoors for an extended period. At one point I decided to 'break quarantine' and head into Manhattan where I came across this memorial to some officers who passed away due to covid-19. I was living in NYC during 9-11 and seen the various impromptu memorials to all those first responders; there had also been a previous memorial to an officer killed in a non-work related incident (I believe but I am not sure and only included to provide context to the memorial). This was a disquieting discovery because these officers were stricken by a virus that they would not have known where, when or how they were infected. While I was indoors all that time; even though I knew there were many essential workers who were being felled but I did not see their faces and names in such an up close yet quiet fashion. It was what their brother & sister officers could do and that is all that matters.
NYPD Transit District 20, Briarwood Queens NYC

Date (Dublin Core)

April 26, 2020

Type (Dublin Core)

A photograph of a memorial in my local subway station outside of a police station

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Community & Community Organizations
English Government Local
English Public Space

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

New York City

Collection (Dublin Core)

Law Enforcement

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


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