
Sunset on the sickbed

Title (Dublin Core)

Sunset on the sickbed

Description (Dublin Core)

"Although there is 60 years of the age gap, we can still see the sunset hand in hand." On March 05, Wuhan University Renmin Hospital, an 87-year-old COVID-19 patient saw the sunset with a young doctor. Doctors devoted a lot during this pandemic, no matter how serious the patients are; and they never give up any lives. They are worthy of the Hippocratic Oath. They ought to be respected.

Date (Dublin Core)

March 5, 2020

Type (Dublin Core)


Source (Dublin Core)

People's Daily

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Public Health & Hospitals
English Public Space

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

hospital bed

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


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