
Spyglass Golf


Title (Dublin Core)

Spyglass Golf

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Description (Dublin Core)

In may of 2020 I qualified for a major golf tournament at one of the most famous courses in Norcal, Spyglass hill. It was an amazing experience. The only downside was that there had to be modifications to the tournament due to COVID-19. These modifications were nothing major. The most impactful one was the fact that we could not take the pin out of the hole before we putt. It is a strange thing to look at when you are so used to an open hole to roll your ball into. However, my favorite part about any tournament gotta stay the same. The sound of solid contact with a golf ball. I was just thankful to be out on the course and not stuck inside, getting to feel and hear what a pure swing feels like once you make contact directly in the middle of the club face.

Date (Dublin Core)

November 3, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Ethan Melvin

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Ethan Melvin

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

California High School

Type (Dublin Core)

Golf Tournament

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--K12
English Sports
English Emotion

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

sensory feelings
Spyglass Hill
Pebble Beach

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

California high school
american studies
Spyglass Hill
West Coast

Collection (Dublin Core)


Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Item sets

This item was submitted on November 3, 2020 by Ethan Melvin using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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