
Israel Duarte Oral History, 2020/04/01


Title (Dublin Core)

Israel Duarte Oral History, 2020/04/01

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Description (Dublin Core)

REL101 Oral History with "Israel"

Recording Date (Dublin Core)


Contributor (Dublin Core)

Tom Beazley

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

Oral History

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Religion
English Technology
English Community & Community Organizations

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)


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abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

The interviewer askes the interviewee three questions relating to their faith during the COVID-19 pandemic. The interviewee discusses how their faith has been affected, how they attend church, and what their church is doing to reach out and help communities during the pandemic.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Andres Vazquez 00:00
For the first question of the interview is, How has COVID-19 affected your faith or beliefs regarding the whole situation?

Israel Duarte 00:10
Of COVID? So, regarding my faith, I mean, it hasn't really affected it in a negative way. I just keep practicing. You know, I can't go to Sunday Mass. I'm Roman Catholic, by the way. So I haven't been able to go to Sunday Mass, but I still pray from time to time. And, yeah, it's just been that different. I've been trying to do the virtual mass, but so far, is I've just been on my own.

Andres Vazquez 00:46
How does that how does that help with like, being able to continue in your religion, being able to participate?

Israel Duarte 00:57
I mean, I just choose to be a part of it myself. And having daily having Sunday Mass is just a way to reinforce my religion. And since we can't go to a right now, like, it's, it's, it's been all right. Because of the certain circumstances we're going through with this disease. But overall, like I, myself, I'm putting in the effort and my religious belief hasn't gone. I hasn't been affected negatively.

Andres Vazquez 01:32
following in question. Is is your religion? Community? Is your religious community still gathering currently? How has COVID-19 affected your participation and religious community? You kind of talked about it, but could you possibly expand with a little bit more?

Israel Duarte 01:46
Yeah. So yeah, my religious community. I'm pretty sure we're, they're still Gathering Online virtually. Well, in regards to the whole Catholic Church, they're obviously doing mass. Everywhere. You can go on YouTube, there's live streams on Instagram and whatnot. I went, I ended with St. Simon and Jude, which is a cathedral, they broadcast mass on a regular basis. So they still broadcast mass there. So Catholics around the country and worldwide can participate through the virtual web of with this modern day of technology. But in terms of my religious community, our local community, we're still doing our thing. We're still going to virtual mass we, my family, there's, they're still participating in that. And we were just keep on, we're just riding the wave.

Andres Vazquez 02:45
Thank you for the third question. The third and final question is, is your religious community supplying or engaging in any kind of community service in attempt to help alleviate issues caused by the pandemic? If so, what are some of the efforts that they might be doing are doing?

Israel Duarte 03:05
And [inaudible] of my religious community, I'm not sure I'm not heavily invested in my local parish, more of my family is regarding my parents and my grandparents, but I'm pretty sure my our religious community is doing things that they're definitely were spreading awareness before the virus and all the lockdown, all that situation came down. They were spreading awareness stay clean, and they're providing some resources where people can go and get advice and help. That's all I've know for now. But I'm pretty sure locally or our diocese is doing stuff regarding the efforts for the to help others and alleviate issues. For the pandemic.

Andres Vazquez 03:54
As in you guys in general, what are you guys doing like to incorporate your religion and things you can do regarding the whole situation?

Israel Duarte 04:03
As right now we're just following the general state government protocol. We're staying in quarantine, we're not doing much because of this lockdown. So we're just following the protocol orders. And that's what I've been primarily doing. So I haven't been doing much. Sadly.

Andres Vazquez 04:25
Those are all the question that I have currently. If you have any questions or suggestions, you please let me know. If not, then thank you for your time. Thank you for being here for the interview. And I hope you have a good day.

Israel Duarte 04:39
Thank you.

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