
“I feel like for me it really hasn't affected it too much."


Title (Dublin Core)

“I feel like for me it really hasn't affected it too much."
Religion 101 Oral History #56, 2020/04

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Description (Dublin Core)

“I feel like for me it really hasn't affected it too much. I think it really just affected the way things go about because my religion is Christianity so before covid-19 we would meet on a weekly basis at a church and from there everybody gathers together so it's a really close room with a lot of people in it and since covid-19 and social distancing is in place we really can't meet so a lot of the operations in the church have gone more to a social platform they start uploading services every week on YouTube…”

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

April 2020

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Tom Beazley

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

Oral History

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Religion
English Community Service
English Emotion
English Technology

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)


Collection (Dublin Core)


Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Speaker 2 talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their faith and how their religious community interacts with each other. They also talk about what community service activities the community has engaged in to help those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Speaker 1 0:00
Okay, so the first question is: how has COVID-19 affected your faith or beliefs?

Speaker 2 0:09
I feel like, for me, it really hasn't affected it too much. I think it really just affected the way that things are go about, because my religion is Christianity. So, before COVID-19, we would meet on a weekly basis at a church and from there, everybody gathers together so it's a really close room with a lot of people in it, and since COVID-19, and social, social distancing is in place, we really can't meet. So, a lot of the operations in the church have gone more on to a, like, a social platform. They start uploading services every week on YouTube and, so, it's mainly just kind of changed the way that we go about our religion. But it really hasn't changed our religion in itself too much.

Speaker 1 1:06
Okay, sounds good. So, the second question kind of has to go into what you were saying about meeting online. So, is your religious community still currently gathering? And how has COVID-19 affected your participation within your religious community?

Speaker 2 1:22
Yeah, so they are no longer gathering in the church. Every week, the pastor and his wife, who are social distancing together, go into the church and they record, and then they post it online. And really, it's just a, just change on how you go about watching the services, it's no longer in person so it's, it's a little bit less engaging in my point, like point of view, just because it's a, it's watching a video online instead of having somebody in front of you who you can ask questions to people around you who you can gather with it's, it's, it's kind of changed it up a little bit. But overall, that's how it is now.

Speaker 1 2:11
Do they have like a social media platform where you can participate?

Speaker 2 2:14
Yeah. So, they post on Instagram, they use Instagram stories and ask people questions or vote. They also post like Spotify playlists of worship sets where they would play music, like they would on a weekly basis in the church setting. They post it on online so people could still listen if they like to listen to the music. And then they also use YouTube again for posting the sermons.

Speaker 1 2:40
Nice. So, going into my next question, is your religious community supplying or engaged any kind of community service in a, in an attempt to alleviate issues caused by the pandemic? And if so, what are those efforts?

Speaker 2 2:55
Yeah, they've done a few different things. For Easter, they had a like canned food drive that they were taking to local families and people would need. Also, since COVID, they were doing some other like canned food drives where people would come in and donate some, some stuff and they would put together meals and supplies for people and they would take it to families in need homeless shelters and different places like that. So, they've been really kind of trying to give back, or at least help support, the social distancing and the people that are in need, or people have lost jobs since then.

Speaker 1 3:31
Nice. Well, thank you for participating. And those are all my questions.

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