
“Overall, I would say it hasn't affected my faith in a negative way."


Title (Dublin Core)

“Overall, I would say it hasn't affected my faith in a negative way."
Religion 101 Oral History #49, 2020/04

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Description (Dublin Core)

“Overall, I would say it hasn't affected my faith in a negative way. I've heard from a lot of people. They have different opinions on why this situation is happening. For example, I've heard people say that it's God's judgement.I've heard people say it's kind of a wake-up call to help us recognize how we should be living differently but.. I don't think... I mean both of those are probably valid in anyone's beliefs but personally in mine I think it's just a good way to recognize how we can work together through this and grow from this and kind of put ourselves in a better perspective rather than worrying about daily things.”

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

April 1, 2020

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Tom Beazley

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

Oral History

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Religion
English Community & Community Organizations
English Technology

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Sun Valley Community Church
in person

Collection (Dublin Core)


Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)

Curated by Contributor. Interviews were conducted on an unknown date in Spring of 2020. 04/01/2020 chosen as an arbitrary date. Verbal Permission Omitted in Public File but Original File and Student Creator's Name Kept Private. 07/15/2020. Tom Beazley.

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Speaker 2 talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected her faith and what they’ve heard from others. They also talk about the changes made by their church to accommodate for COVID-19 and how that’s changed the community’s interaction with each other. That church’s community service efforts to help those that were impacted by the pandemic.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Speaker 1 00:00
How is COVID-19 affecting your faith or beliefs?

Speaker 2 00:04
Overall, I would say it hasn't affected my faith in a negative way. I've heard from a lot of people; they have different opinions on why the situation is happening. For example, I've heard people say that it's God's judgment, I've heard people say that it's kind of a wakeup call to help us recognize how we should be living differently. But I don't think that, I mean, both of those are probably valid and any anyone's beliefs. But personally, in mine, I think it's just a good way to recognize how we can work together through this and grow from this, and kind of put ourselves into a better perspective rather than worrying about kind of daily things. For example, like, how are we going to dress? What are we going to do today? This kind of overall, it's a, it's a bad situation but we can learn to look at it in a positive light. And I think that's kind of how my faith, personally, is looking at it, is seeing how I can put this into a different perspective, possibly even God's perspective to see what, what is, what's trying to come of this, you know, and I've heard people even compare it to Peter and Jesus on the boat where Peter comes out onto the water and he's looking at Jesus, and then he looks away, and he starts thinking, and then you look back to Jesus and asked him to save him and he saves him. So, I mean, I think that's a pretty good metaphor, but that's kind of just personally how I'm looking at and trying to see kind of how my faith can improve in this, rather than “Oh my gosh, [unintelligible] this is the worst thing ever the world's ending,” which I'm sure some people are thinking.

Speaker 1 02:06
For sure. Okay, now for question number two: is your religious community still gathering currently? How has COVID-19 affected your participation in your religious community?

Speaker 2 02:18
So, we aren’t gathering in person. I go to Sun Valley Community Church, and our pastor is, has been posting sermons online and some other types of things [unintelligible] as well.

Speaker 1 2:35

Speaker 2 2:36
And they're also doing these prayer gatherings or just praying over like medical personnel and any first responders and all the essential workers just because we know a lot of people. So usually what we do on Wednesdays and, recently, we've done like communion, for (unintelligible). And then I am also doing this Bible study with clubs from Dobson High School, where we're reading or meeting every Tuesday at 7pm just to go over like Bible verses. So that's, as of right now, that’s what's happening.

Speaker 1 03:17
Okay. And then: is your religious community supplying or engaged in any kind of community service in an attempt to help alleviate issues caused by the pandemic? If so, what are those efforts?

Speaker 2 03:30
They are. Personally, from what I know, I was contacted, my mom was contacted by our campus pastor. And he has been reaching out to families, seeing what their needs are and how the church can meet them. So, for example, there's this one family who is a single dad and he has a daughter, and he lost his eyesight in both eyes because he was shot when he was younger.

Speaker 1 4:05
Oh wow.

Speaker 2 4:06
And so, he's not. Yeah, he's not really able to provide well and he obviously needs help. And so, what my church has been doing is with families, similar to his and his family, they've gotten gift cards to stores like Walmart, Fry’s, and things like that. And then they get church members to grab the gift cards, go shopping, contact the families, do whatever they need, and then drop it off for them. And my mom actually had a really good conversation with him and just learn more about his life and what other things you might need. And he was talking about his daughter and he's not able to do puzzles with her because he can't see so he was like “If you like, if you and your daughter could come and spend time with her, that'd be great.” So actually, from what I've seen a lot more people have been involved in their community and just checking up on each other, seeing what they need. Personally, I’ve gotten a lot of texts from my church, and all the people that I know even my neighbors, they need anything I have this, this, this. So I personally think a lot of people just get together individually, not actually being, so called, sponsored by the church.

Speaker 1 05:25
Yeah. Ok, awesome. Thank you so much, Tiffany.

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