
HST 580 Professional Experience/Archives course


Title (Dublin Core)

HST 580 Professional Experience/Archives course

Description (Dublin Core)

The online history MA program in conjunction with the public history program at Arizona State University ran an internship for history graduate students to work on the JOTPTY archive. Internships were held in summer 2020, fall 2020, spring 2021, and spring 2022. Students were asked to submit to the archive and were often given guided assignments. The nature of the submissions varied from contributing to a specific collection to conducting an oral history. In the first internship participants developed collections and began creating calls for submissions and collecting for specific collections. In the Fall 2020 semester, students continued adding to collections and worked more extensively on oral histories. In Spring 2021, more interns experimented with the Omeka exhibits feature and finally in Spring 2022 a large portion of the internship was dedicated to data cleaning and a self-directed project. As part of their 180 hours, students were always encouraged to share their own pandemic stories or respond to varied prompts.
Internship Director:
Kathleen Kole de Peralta

Date (Dublin Core)

August 2, 2022

Creator (Dublin Core)

Katy Kole de Peralta

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Katy Kole de Peralta

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--Universities
English Labor

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)


Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


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