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Collected Item: “Remote Learning”

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Remote Learning

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text story

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School started in August 2020. It took place at home. During the spring, I already had experience in learning at home, so it was not too hard to adjust to the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. I cannot believe that I have been learning virtually for almost half of the school year already. My morning routine starts at 7:30 AM. Sometimes, I would wake up at 7:55 and skip breakfast to attend my first-period class at 8:00. Then, I would go through my class schedule. We separate A days from B days. Each day would have different classes. We still had our required core classes and our electives. At the end of the day, I would finish all my homework and then rest. The benefit of doing remote learning is safety. However, it causes eye pain, burning, and discomfort because of screentime. I had no obstacles or challenges while doing remote learning. Especially this year, I have learned to adapt to changes.

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Angela Zhao

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