This is an Instagram post by we_stand_together_uk. The post shows a comic of a man and his brain full of different narratives, with the man looking fearful. Quite a few of the narratives depicted are COVID related, such as: "masks work", "trust the science", and "get boosted now." The poster themselves in the tags says #saynotothevaccine and #wewillnotcomply, making me believe that they think that everyone that has taken the vaccine has been brainwashed in some way to accept it, when they believe it is dangerous.
This is an Instagram post by epochtimes. The Epoch Times is a news organization. According to this post, it says that the vaccine passports are ways to limit freedom from government leaders. From my own experience with these arguments, a lot of it is not based on the vaccines themselves, but the fear of less rights to movement and more government spying. The vaccine passports would just be a way for the government to exert more control over the populace, using vaccines and public health as a facade to that. When I was searching for items to add, I used the #vaccine to find this. Noticeably, I had to click past a few things to even look under this hashtag, and it didn't allow me to see past a few posts, as Instagram has blocked from view many of the search results that come from this hashtag in particular. This was one of the few posts Instagram allowed me to see.
This is an Instagram post by leventerkan. This user brings up the problems with shortages of raw materials as a result of the pandemic. Due to these shortages, prices of items have also been rising, leading to more inflation. At the end, it talks about how the war between Russia and Ukraine is making the supply chain issues even worse, as it is freezing up some industry, which could delay any return to normal conditions.
This is an Instagram post by snappycroc_1973. This user posted a picture of one of the COVID Hero Stamps designed by school children. These stamps are meant to support the NHS (National Health Service), which is based in the United Kingdom.
This is an Instagram post by cathyk88. This user is posting on behalf of everyone that has followed the rules regarding masking these past two years. This user says that while new cases are not being reported by the media, this user is still keeping up with them. They say at the end that it is a personal choice of whether to wear a mask or not, there are a lot of people that cannot afford to get sick. At the end, they conclude that COVID is making a comeback and that people should mask up more.
This is an Instagram post by urbanpeaceinstitute. This post refers to places where mask mandates are still in existence. Even though mask mandates have been lifting in many places, certain places still want masks. Some of these places include: emergency and homeless shelters; public transit; healthcare settings; long-term care facilities; and correctional and detention facilities. These places are either government or healthcare associated. This post links to the County of Los Angeles Public Health for more information on the Coronavirus.
This is an Instagram post by chrischuckry and it is a political comic on the incompetence on part of the Canadian government and the handling of the pandemic. Obby Khan, who is referenced in this post, is a Pakistani-Canadian politician. This user is accusing him of using the same excuses as Heather Stefanson, who is the premier of Manitoba, a Canadian province. The political comic is upset about politicians in Manitoba "not listening to experts" and allowing the pandemic to become more dangerous.
This is an infographic on Instagram posted by fairhavenhealthcare. This infographic advises people to: use tissues when sneezing or coughing; wash hands often; refrain from crowded places; not to touch hands, mouth, or eyes; follow recommendations from healthcare providers; and get vaccinated.
This is an Instagram post from myinnovage. This is a team that worked on getting people vaccinated. Here, one of the pictures that was chosen was of a woman holding a blank vaccine card and wearing a mask. This team is in Colorado and is encouraging people to get their booster shots.
This is an Instagram post from brotherkamil. This user is posting their skepticism surrounding the vaccine, believing that it will cause ill health effects. By abstaining from the vaccine, the user says that they are 100% safe from averse reactions.
This is an Instagram post by discarded_face_masks_uk. This is an account that shows people that have left their face masks on the ground, thus making it worse for the environment. Hashtags like #coveryourface do imply that they still want you to wear a mask, but are against people accidentally leaving them on the ground. This helps speak of a larger issue where with mask mandates in places in some areas, it leaves more opportunity for people to litter with their face masks, as people will take them off at times when doing certain tasks or if they think they don't need one in some specific area.
This is a meme found on Instagram from biddamemes. This meme depicts how someone would feel 10 years from now and being reminded of 2020 in small ways. The items in the flashback are very relevant, as hand sanitizer had major shortages in 2020, with some places putting a cap on how much people could buy at one time. It also shows things like empty shelves, which did happen at the very beginning of 2020 with people panic buying. One of the most panic bought items was toilet paper, and companies that produced toilet paper could not keep up with the amount of panic buyers, so for a few months, nicer toilet paper was harder to come by.
This is an Instagram post from therealfoodkitchn, which made efforts to deliver food to families and kids in need during the pandemic. Currently, this place is looking on how to better serve families now that things are opening up more.
Covid and Yossarian Episode 88, Covid and Yossarian Episode 8
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
Covid and Yossarian Episode 74, Covid and Yossarian Episode 8
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
comic about covid
comic about covid
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
This is day by day account of the early stages of the pandemic.
This is a news story from Vox, written by Dylan Scott. Across the nation, maternity wards have been shutting down, making things more dangerous for new mothers. Due to these closures, there has been an increased number in deaths of both infants and pregnant women. These losses of maternity wards have been harshest on those of low income, as well as Black and Hispanic women. Part of these closures have happened due to shortages of doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff during the pandemic. The closure of more maternity wards also means women having to travel further to get the care they need. The timing makes this even more difficult during labor, as complications can happen during that, increasing chances of death. Overall, this article shows the ways that the ripple effects from COVID not only affect the mortality rates of mothers and babies, but disproportionately hurt poor, Black, and Hispanic women.
This is a news story from Health Day by Robert Preidt. This is about a poll on what is making Americans most anxious. War, COVID-19, and inflation are at the top of what is making Americans feel anxious. Another thing the poll tells is that 63% percent said their lives changed forever due to COVID-19. 47% of people that took this poll also said that they have become less active compared to pre-pandemic. 58% said they had unwanted weight changes. Among those that gained more weight than they wanted, the average weight gain reported was 26 pounds. Others have said that the separation from others has put strain on relationships, or ended them. The APA reports that those with reduced social support are more likely to cope with stress. 56% say they could have used more emotional support during the pandemic. This poll had 3,012 respondents in February, and 2,051 from March 1-3.
This is a news story from Your Tango by Nia Tipton. This is about a middle school in Pennsylvania, where a video of a teacher taping a mask to a student caused outrage. The photo was taken at Pennfield Middle School in Hatfield. The photo went viral and appeared on Sean Hannity's website. The middle school announced that they are going to conduct an investigation over this scandal. Parents also expressed their anger at school board meetings over this. The mother of the student getting his mask taped to his face says that she never intended for the story to go viral. She used the photo to gain support from a Facebook group prior to a school board meeting. She says that other individuals in the group took it upon themselves to spread this story further.
This is a news story from Your Tango by Dan O'Reilly. This is about a couple that required all family members attending their wedding to be vaccinated. The issue with this is that the family does not want to comply to those wishes. This story was originally found in r/wedding on Reddit. According to the bride, her fiancé's family was on board with imposing vaccines, but the bride's own family is 50% vaccinated, with the unvaccinated thinking this is a dumb idea. This has been part of a controversial issue on if vaccines should be imposed. Most of the Redditors had sympathies for the engaged couple and believe it is what was needed for a safe event.
This is a news story from Your Tango by Isaac Serna-Diez. This is about a Twitter rant, where Elon Musk, owner of Tesla, compares Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Adolf Hitler over the Canadian Trucker Protests. In January, both the United States and Canada imposed vaccine mandates. According to the American Trucking Association, only 50-60% of all truckers are vaccinated. The truckers have created a convoy that blocks traffic across the US-Canada border in response to the mandates. Trudeau's response to this was to invoke the Emergencies Act, which has't been used since 1988. The Emergencies Act allows for freezing of bank accounts and funds in order to take money away from those protesting. These freezes would also impact things like GoFundMe and the ability to raise funds from that site. It also allows for military involvement, but Trudeau says that he has no plans of doing so. Musk's response to what Trudeau imposed economically on protesters prompted him to promote cryptocurrency more.
This is a news story from Scary Mommy, written by Lauren Levy. This story deals with Florida's position on vaccinating children and going against CDC guidelines. The author, Levy, is very against this and thinks it is irresponsible to be contrary to what the CDC suggests, claiming that it will make things more dangerous for kids if they don't take the vaccine. Some have been raising concerns that people are taking politicians words over those of doctors. Opponents have reminded parents that this is just a suggestion from Florida politicians, and not a mandate, meaning that they can discern for themselves if the vaccine is right for their kids. Ultimately, Levy believes parents should ignore what Florida politicians say and listen to doctors instead on what to do.
This is a news story from Scary Mommy by Samm Burnham Davidson. This is a story written from the point-of-view of someone who has experienced some of the negative social effects of COVID. She says that before the pandemic, social media posts that annoyed her would only be mildly so, but with COVID and lockdowns, she started to feel senses of inadequacy compared to other parents. She thought that she needed to overhaul her entire wardrobe, her son should get ice skates, and that her four-year-old needs to learn to ride a two-wheeler bike. She has three young kids, and a 2020 baby. She describes feeling very isolated and the exposure to social media made her feel like she had to measure up to some imaginary standard of parenting, like trying to forgo all plastic toys for Christmas to help the environment. This is a good story for the perspective of mothers with many kids to take care of, resulting in even more isolation than what would happen for adults with no kids, as kids caused her to stay home more even before COVID.
This is a news story from Forbes by Jack Kelly. This story is about loneliness felt from isolation that people are discussing on Reddit. Subreddits like r/antiwork and r/wallstreetbets, a lot of these conversations are sharing details about their feelings they might not want to share elsewhere. Since Reddit allows people to submit anonymously, it gives others an environment they can give more details on subjects they maybe wouldn't tell to even their family members. Some of these discussions are about those that are single and work from home, which creates a very solitary experience. One woman, 27, on Reddit describes trying to join Facebook groups and do online dating to have more interaction during the pandemic. She says she felt a slight panic seeing her other friends get married, have kids, or engaged, which made her feel even lonelier. Others describe the challenges with finding remote work and needing support to help cope with that hardship. The lack of socialization has had massive effect on young adults just starting out in life, and it has given some worse mental health as a result. While some might thrive with being alone, others have suffered. Another woman, 32, says that prior to the pandemic, she was a 'social butterfly' and outgoing, but is now antisocial and a shut-in. She says that she lacks the motivation to go places like she used to. In addition to this, her place of employment is considering permanent work-from-home for employees, making some of those social struggles even worse. Some Redditors ended up giving advice for people that shared stories like these, such as smiling every day towards someone, or going outside for 15 minutes or longer. Simple things like this were common suggestions to help with some people's mental health issues induced because of the pandemic isolation. I think that this story helps show some of the negative effects young people have had with readjusting their entire lives, and then feeling lost once they get too used to it when things are starting to go back to "normal."
This is a news story from The Denver Gazette by Lindsey Toomer. Since June 2020, Jerry Gryglak has posted COVID updates on the subreddit r/CoronavirusColorado, and breaking down the information to be more user-friendly. This has helped Redditors get better information on the virus. Due to his diligence, Governor Jared Polis is recognizing Gryglak as one of Colorado's COVID Heroes and will get the Governor's Citizenship Medal. Gryglak left posts on Reddit with updates on deaths, hospitalizations, vaccines, and other such information. Gryglak is unsure how much longer he will be posting these updates.
As someone who lives in a border town and travels to Mexico quite often, due to the fact that the U.S dollar in Mexico is twenty pesos, from an economic standpoint, it allows me to enjoy my time in Mexico quite well with my family. The only catch is that masks are required everywhere; it does not matter if you are fully vaccinated or not. As long as you keep using masks, you are good in Mexico, from tourism to recreational activities to travel across the country. It's something to consider when traveling to Mexico because I live 30 minutes away from the border to San Luis, Mexico, and sometimes I forget that I need to wear a mask in Mexico since they are no longer required in the U.S in 2022.
Masks are no longer mandatory in the state of Arizona. As of April 2022, as a former high school teacher, masks are no longer required for students, faculty, and staff at San Luis High School. Some students decide to keep wearing their masks, and others do not; the same thing happens with faculty and staff, some wear them, and others don't. For the most part, everyone is respectful about wearing and not wearing masks. Students and staff understand that these are the new norms we currently live in and are working great at San Luis High School.
Back in April 2020, just after the whole Covid-19 outbreak began, it was probably one of the worst days of my life. For starters, I'm the son of one of the greatest mothers on this talent, I love my mother so much and would put anything aside for her every need. My mother's birthday is April 8th, so it's actually coming up this Friday, which is why I share this story with you. During the covid outbreak and til this moment, I have never had a positive covid test, not saying I may or might've not had it is beyond me. Unfortunately during the start of the outbreak in the Houston area, my mother was one of those unlucky people who caught covid early on and what made it worse was, it was about 2 days before her birthday. She was miserable from several illnesses attacking her body all at once, and there was nothing we could do for her except pray and wait. My mother laid in bed on her bday the entire day, she was running a fever, shivering from chills, and throwing up nearly every hour. She lost a lot of weight from this incident too and I was appalled by it all. On her birthday, I sat right outside her bedroom door the entire day and just talked with her while each of us wore a mask to try and prevent the spread within our own house. I would do anything for my mom, and I could tell that me staying with her all day to keep her company was something she most definitely enjoyed!
At the "heart" of Polynesia, (referring to its geographic location in the Polynesian triangle) American Samoa appears as another tiny dot on the map. Nevertheless, it means the WORLD to its 55,000+ people, and to some, it is all they have ever known as their home. It is also the southernmost territory of the United States (below the Equator) and the second to the last place on earth to always welcome the New Year LAST. Perhaps it coincidently depicts the slow-paced nature of the island to which many visitors claim that "it feels like time slows down", here at a piece of heaven on earth that is deeply rooted in the Christian faith and the "Fa'aSamoa", a.k.a the Samoan culture or literally, the "Samoan way of life".
The people of our island are like a big tight-knitted family--we are all related anyway--when something good or bad happens on the west side of the island, news travels to the east faster or about the same as the speed of light! It has its disadvantages, but for the most part, it is a beautiful thing to see the collective reaction of our people when it is of happiness, support, and sympathy.
When the coronavirus started spreading rapidly in the United States in early 2020, our territory continued its commercial flights until mid-March when Hawaii's cases started to rise. Since March 2020, our borders were closed to commercial travel for the next 11 months, not including cargo flights and ships. Residents were stuck in the States for nearly a year. The first of many repatriation flights finally began in February 2021. The repatriation flights took place once a month, during which passengers would undergo a strict process of testing and reporting, a quarantined stay in Hawaii for 12 days, and another 2-weeks quarantine upon arrival in American Samoa. Throughout all repatriation and medical flights, the quarantine process was still a requirement, which was how positive cases were caught and taken care of to prevent community spread. Fast forward to February 2022, exactly a year later, news of a COVID outbreak quickly spread when it was leaked on social media that the family of a Department of Health worker tested positive for COVID at the main hospital. The general public was seeking answers and taking their concerns on social media until later on that same evening the said family tested positive, the local news channel held a Livestream in which the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and the COVID-19 Task Force officially announced the community outbreak of the virus. People rushed to the stores to buy necessities and food before the lockdown was set to begin at midnight. The lockdown was marked as Code Red, with curfews from 9pm to 4:30 am, and business hours to be from 8am to 4pm, while all government workers and non-essential employees are to stay home, except essential workers and first-responders. Students transitioned to virtual learning and now interact in class with options such as "raise hand" and/or "mute/unmute".
Our people had to adjust very quickly to the new reality we now face. A small island once free with family gatherings, church services, and close human interaction as we are known for...now all of that sounds like a distant memory that will take some time to experience again. Beaches and parks used to be crowded with people and all the happiness they offer their surroundings, now empty and eerily quiet with a "CLOSED" sign nearby. We are masking up everywhere--with little to no physical interaction--so far with 4,700+ cumulative positive cases and a total loss of 7 souls, which has hit our dearest island with extreme sorrow. While the world has moved forward and learned to live with COVID, even opening back up and unmasking, our island is once again a little behind with the experience. It is only the beginning for us! Fortunately, our unwavering faith in God continues to be our ultimate Hope, along with the support of our loving families, beloved people, the United States, and our fellow Pacific islands. One thing we are sure of is that WE ARE RESILIENT PEOPLE, having overcome many challenges for centuries! This too shall pass...on the bright side, in order for it to pass, our journey with COVID had to begin. Now we must go through it, endure it, and overcome together AS one like we always do! God be with us...God IS with us.