Analyzing Democratic election
Putin's invasion of Ukraine analogous to "The Walrus and the Carpenter"
When I was a sophomore in college, I had just gotten my dream job of being a community mentor when the campus heard the rumors that we might be getting an extra long spring break because of the virus. Originally, I thought everyone was blowing it out of proportion but then I quickly learned I was wrong. The extended break quickly turned into two years later. Most of my friends had graduated and I was now a senior becoming a supervisor over the community mentors. The pandemic was a major period of growth for me, but I learned something important in the process: you never know when the last time you see someone or experience something will be. So many people I know lost someone to this virus, including me. I wish I could go back and cherish more time with those individuals before the pandemic.
This is an Instagram post by whitneyfordekalb. This is an advertisement for people to attend a voter registration and vaccine clinic. It is calling on a few Black organizations in addition to unions to join the rally. Below are a few sponsors of the event. This event is in Georgia.
This is an Instagram post by deb.disaster. This user is criticizing the disaster that Doug Ford has created in Ontario regarding COVID restrictions. They believe that by lifting restrictions to cater to 10% of people in Canada that he is putting people in danger. The comic posted above shows a sandcastle (Ontario) built by Doug Ford and a giant wave (COVID) coming down to destroy it.
This is an Instagram post by ucr_chc. This is of a celebration where kids are encouraged to go and get vaccinated. The celebration flyer says that there will be food and kids toys available. The event is also giving away free testing kits, and will do booster shots as well. This event was held in Jurupa Valley, California.
This is an Instagram post by jakewienhold. The picture posted by this user shows an NPC accepting all the COVID restrictions. The NPC is the grey character. The NPC itself is a meme that got popular in the late 2010s and has continued to have popularity into the 2020s. NPC stands for "Non Playable Character." The term has its origins in gaming where characters that have a pre-written script and can't go beyond that are an "NPC." This term has gone beyond gaming and has been used to refer to people of any political stripe as an NPC as an insult. It insinuates that people who would follow herd mentality for any cause have no thoughts of their own, like an NPC in a video game.
The context of this picture shows an NPC having multiple vaccines injected in, while wearing a mask and a ball gag. The vaccines are referring to the COVID vaccines that some places have asked for people to go beyond two and get boosters. To critics of this, they see this as a ploy by big government and pharmacy to gain more money at the expense of the health of the people, as it is a common belief among the critics to claim that the vaccines are not safe. The mask has been a common trend during the pandemic, and is commonly used by critics to show that people following the rules imposed are being submissive towards the government. The ball gag is an extra thing that was added to show submissiveness and has some sexual connotations. The barcode on the forehead is a mark of being branded by the government and being tracked by said government. As with the things explained of this image, majority of the criticisms of the pandemic are based on the government response to it. For how much it limited some people's ability to make money or get things done that they needed to do, a lot of that anger is toward those governments limiting those freedoms.
This is an Instagram post by waking.the.dead. This is an NPC meme of people claiming they have a healthy distrust of authority, while supporting things imposed by authority. The NPC meme is a meme that gained popularity in the late 2010s and has had continued popularity in the 2020s. NPC stands for "Non Playable Character", which is a term used in gaming for pre-programed characters that have a set script for when the players interact with them. This has expanded to apply to people, with it being used as a slight towards any and all political sides, and portraying the side they don't agree with as having no original thoughts of their own.
The context of the NPC meme with the "I have AIDS" thing at the bottom is a reference to the claim that some of the COVID vaccines actually weaken immune systems and sometimes give people AIDS. The mask with the Ukraine flag refers to the current war between Russia and Ukraine, and support of Ukraine in some circles has been seeing as "following the herd because the media/government said to." The top part of "I have healthy distrust of authority" is meant to be ironic, as the NPC has fallen for all the current narratives without question.
This is an Instagram post by clarellou. The post is of a comic showing a man with unhealthy habits calling the coronavirus dangerous. This is supposed to be criticism of people not taking care of their own health, while being fearful of something less deadly than being obese or a drug abuser.
This is an Instagram post by eldiariodetlaxcala. This is written in Spanish and is about information for people to get the AstraZeneca vaccine. This event will be held for two days. In the picture, we see volunteers working to help administer the vaccine. Only people 18 and above are eligible for this vaccine, and it is being held in Ocotlán, Tlaxcala.
This is an Instagram post by courtneyahndesign. This user is warning people about a new variant and how it is affecting others. She brings up the CDC and what they say about this issue. She says that if you are not, you should be wearing a mask and get vaccinated.
This is an Instagram post by courtneyahndesign. This is an Instagram post critiquing people's lack of care for others during the pandemic. She thinks it is ridiculous that people are already going places maskless and being careless with how much they expose themselves. At the end, she recommends for people to go and get tested.
This is an Instagram post by sciquipuk. This is a store that sells NHS approved PPE for people to buy. Throughout the pandemic, I have seen people use a variety of these items. I have mostly seen masks. Every once in a while, I have seen people use face shields. This is a good post that demonstrates some of the things people have regularly worn during the course of the pandemic.
This is an Instagram post by smcpublichealth. This post is about vaccination status and the risks that they pose. Those unvaccinated are said to be highest risk. The immunocompromised are recommended to see a doctor about a fourth dose. If you are up to date on all vaccines and everyone else in the household is vaccinated, life can continue on as normal. In the hashtags below this post, it says to wear a mask, stay home when sick, and get tested.
Obviously, despite it saying that those that are up to dates on vaccines and live with those also fully vaccinated are able to return to normal, culturally, I have seen some people out in public abiding by COVID restrictions. I think this is a hard habit to break, and for some, the feeling of security is worth continuing to wear a mask even if some places have already lifted mandates. My overall feeling from observing those at my own local church is that people are more lenient with mask use based on what the CDC says. A few did not wear masks despite the CDC recommendation, but once the CDC announced masks were not necessary, people at my church took them off.
I was not directly affected by the Coronavirus, but I knew several who were, some got over it like a cold, others did not survive. There was a devastating number of deaths resulting from the virus, yet so many people adamantly believed it was fake, it was something created by the American government to control citizens. Talking to people from other countries, it was actually embarrassing because the events that transpired in 2020, well, not so much the events, but the reactions to these events, became quite a joke to other countries. 2020 was a year of total divide in many ways: mask wearers vs. mask refusers, pro-vaccination vs anti-vaccination, democrats vs. republicans, races and racism, hoarders vs. "just buy what you need" shoppers, partiers and clubbers vs. stay-at-homers, the list goes on. The thing that affected my life the most in 2020 was not COVID, but the society I live in being in a constant state of chaos and aggression and judgement. This was not the first time a virus spread to other countries from one origin country, it was not the first time that origin country was China, and it was not created by the American government to control the people....I guess 2020 was also a year of conspiracy theories. It's disgusting to think of all those who perished in the pandemic from the virus who are forgotten about or disregarded due to the conspiracy theories against the virus. It was just a horrible year all around, huge step back from mankind in its morals and ethics.
The pandemic for me started my senior year of highschool. I was in a relationship and had many friends in my graduating class. When it first started my household took it very seriously and I wasn’t able to see the people in my class and my ex girlfriend because of it. I wasn’t able to get closure with the friends I’d never see again because of different life goals. To this day it ache’s that I didn’t have a senior blow out like prom with my graduating class. I just wanted one more time with everyone before we went on with our separate lives. Ultimately, covid ended a lot of my relationships with people including my now ex girlfriend. I just couldn’t handle long distance and covid. Being in different colleges sucked, but having covid in the mix of it made it harder to see each other. One of us would always be exposed and could never see each other. Eventually it became too much for my mental health and decided to pull the plug on that relationship. Covid took so many things away from me. The relationships I had before covid, almost everyone of them has been severed.
This is an Instagram post by thehesbrooklyn. This is a PSA advising you when you should wear a mask. Some of the things it say to wear a mask for include: feeling sick, indoor public settings, unvaccinated, immunocompromised, high risk group, around unvaccinated, etc. The first point I find the most interesting because it marks a change in culture due to the virus. Prior to the virus, people I know wouldn't really wear a mask if they felt sick. Now, if some are feeling under the weather, they will wear masks. Considering this is a PSA for New York City, it is a place with some that has had some restrictions much longer than other parts of the United States. According to a relevant article linked with this post, New York City did not drop most COVID restrictions until March 7, 2022. Comparatively, my own state of Arizona had most restrictions lifted on March 25, 2021. Though, much like New York City, some businesses still require masks out of their own choice. As we see here, this PSA for Brooklyn is encouraging people to still wear masks even if some restrictions have been lifted.
This is an Instagram post by xo.beads. Since the start of the pandemic, some companies have taken advantage of people needing to wear masks and designed accessories to go with them. One accessory that has been sold in some stores are mask necklaces, which are similar to glasses chains that some already wear. They are made to look good with an outfit, while making sure you can keep track of your mask better. These accessories can range from very expensive, with some well-known designers making masks and mask accessories, to the very cheap. It is one of the new trends that have come about since the pandemic.
This is an Instagram post by kondinincrc. This is a post about an upcoming Easter egg hunt for kids. It says that kids three and above are required to wear a mask. This is pretty normal for the time. Some places still require masks, while others do not. This has been an ongoing trend after 2020 where restrictions are lifted for certain things, but required for others. It is one of those aspects of the pandemic that have carried over for quite some time.
This is an Instagram post by medrite_springfieldnj. This is a PSA welcoming people to get free COVID testing. It says that no appointments necessary and walk-ins are welcome. Since the start of the pandemic, rapid testing and PCR tests have become more available and free of charge in many places. The reason many of these are free is due to state and federal governments subsidizing the costs of the tests, in addition to people volunteering to help them get done.
This is an Instagram post by elmagnifico5000. This post is of a man wearing a mask while showing something he is interested in with it. In the hashtags, he is encouraging people to stay safe, get boosted, and for others to wear masks.
This is an Instagram post by stratfordlitfest. The caption says that masks are not compulsory, but they are encouraged for the safety of others attending. These types of policies are more of the norm in some places, as opposed to full-on mandates like there was in 2020 and parts of 2021. As time has gone on, more places have lifted restrictions, but are not entirely okay with everyone being mask-free. Though, this message to me does not make it out to be like wearing a mask is entirely of one's free will. They say "we encourage audiences to wear a mask, unless exempt." The "unless exempt" part makes me believe that masks will be encouraged fairly more than in other places, as only those that would qualify as exempt would not be encouraged to do so. For me, I find this to be a bit wishy-washy with how it is worded, and it would be better if it were more straightforward by saying "masks requried", or "masks not required, but encouraged." The exemption status makes me think masks are more compulsory than what it might be trying to give off.
This is an Instagram post by dc_circulator. This is a PSA on why you should wear a mask while riding the DC Circulator. In the caption, it says that there will be no ride if there is no mask. This PSA is meant for people living in Washington DC and use the public transit there. While some places around the US have been lifting restrictions, the US Capitol still has many in place, at least for public transportation.
This is an Instagram post by childishscum. This is a meme where someone has overlaid a fake conversation in order to show a point. What the poster is arguing is that the same people saying "Free Ukraine" are also the ones wanting more lockdowns in their own cities and towns. "Freedom" in this case is taken very broadly, where fighting against an invasion for freedom is being conflated with wanting lockdowns lifted.
This is an Instagram post by maniteeshirts. This post is about people fundraising for Ukraine since they have been hit hard by the Russian invasion. Noticeably, all of the people posted in this picture are all wearing masks. This picture helps show that where some places might not require masks, some people are still wearing them. Due to not being given a location, I am not sure on the status on masks where this was posted. Since everyone is wearing them though, I am at least guessing it is a store that requires masks to enter.
This is an Instagram post by shopdashofk. This is a post on custom masks with the words "Black Lives Matter" and "I Can't Breathe" written on them. These masks are meant to send a message on racial disparities between Black people and those of other races. Writing messages on masks has been a trend across all political spectrums, with some choosing different slogans or symbols to use, in order to send messages much like the masks featured here. This evokes some of the larger culture surrounding mask wearing in general, where they have been used much like graphic t-shirts to say messages people want heard. It is a new social phenomenon that has come with the pandemic, and it is still popular among some people.
This is an Instagram post by ankletzdreams. This is a post of a woman who has received her Pfizer booster shot. From the hashtags and the post, she seems fairly content with it.
This is an Instagram post by newsrescue, which is a news site that claims to bust "fake news." The study that this news story is referring to is one on spike proteins, which found that the vaccinated and unvaccinated had roughly the same amount of spike proteins in their blood. This news story is designed to show that the vaccines may not be as effective as they are claimed to be.
This is an Instagram post by crespoinsurance. This is a post written in Spanish giving advice to elderly on vaccines. It advises people fifty and older, and those that are immunocompromised to get vaccinated. It also says that Medicare covers COVID vaccines.
This is an Instagram post by willingtowalkaway. The poster is using a tweet to make their point. In the tweet, someone by the username of SaraVic333 says that she does not want another shot. In the hashtags in the Instagram post, the user is in agreement, saying that they do not want it either. Another thing that is tagged is "natural immunity", which some believe is enough to counteract COVID without needing a vaccine. Other tags include things like "I will not comply" and "poison." Posts like these are important because they help show what skeptics think of the vaccines from their own perspective rather than one assumed by others.
This is an Instagram post by the New York Post. This is of a news story in circulation currently regarding vaccines. Below, there are commenters expressing doubts in the effectiveness in the vaccines. Of note, one commenter says that they have already been vaccinated and boosted, but do not want anymore shots. Another is asking for it to stop already. To me, this shows some of the overall fatigue some are having with the vaccines themselves.
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19
A comic strip about Covid-19