This is the twentieth-first report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of April 08, 2022, positive cases have risen to 5254 from 4957 on April 05, 2022. A total of two individuals are hospitalized, and eleven recorded deaths related to COVID-19 have been documented. American Samo's vaccination coverage of individuals who are fully vaccinated currently stands at 83.4%.
This is the twentieth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of April 05, 2022, positive cases have risen to 4957 from 3756 on March 29, 2022. A total of five individuals are hospitalized, and eight recorded deaths related to COVID-19 have been documented.
This is the nineteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 29, 2022, positive cases have risen to 3756 from 3381 on March 27, 2022. A total of five individuals are hospitalized and 4 recorded deaths related to COVID-19 have been documented.
This is the eighteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 27, 2022, positive cases have risen to 3381 from 2953 on March 25, 2022.
This is the seventeenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 25, 2022, positive cases have risen to 2953 from 1932 on March 22, 2022. On this report, a number of 7 individuals are hospitalized to covid and there is 1 death related to COVID-19.
This is the sixteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 22, 2022, positive cases have risen to 1932 from 1565 on March 21, 2022.
this is a look through my point of view living in the year 2020
The pandemic was a crazy time but I believed it brought many people together. For example my whole family was home during quarantine, no one was away at school or work. This allowed us a whole summer to sit back and relax with one another. Particular things we did a lot was spend time outside by walking the neighborhood and spending time by the pool. We also enjoyed ordering to go food from local restaurants to help support them through the difficult time.
I wish that in the future I would have a trillion dollars; I wish the animal the Phoenix would still exist; I wish I had a gingerbread house; I wish I had another cat.
I hope the future has more nature, and animals can talk. (The bulldozer is tearing down buildings, and the animals are attacking, to make more room for nature.)
Help the Earth! We want Covid to end! Stop littering! Stop fires! Stop capturing animals! Stop wasting! Stop cutting trees!
I hope I will have a house that can make dinosaurs and more trees, and no fire.
I hope the world turns to chocolate and I hope the world is eatable.
There will be shoes with fire shooting out of them in the future.
Back to the future
Me: We can help the earth.
Diego: We can save earth.
I hope for a cleaner world
Technology will take over the World!
There will be roads connecting buildings in the sky and over water.
More nature
End world pollution
In the future I want to be a singer and an artist
World peace is one project that we all have to do together!
I think that the world can be a better place.
In the future, I will be a singer and fashion designer
This article details the reflection of a few Arkansas teachers as we reach two years since the beginning of the pandemic. The teachers highlight the drastic changes not only in safety precautions, but also the adjustments in order to provide meaningful learning in an entirely new landscape. Many of the teachers reported excitement at the prospect of a return to normalcy, however they desire some aspects of the pandemic adjustments to remain in place. Flexible learning, new and creative ideas of conveying topics, and more individualized learning methods have seen an increase in retention of material, which is fundamentally what education is all about. The teachers would also like an end to the stigma surrounding the covid learning adjustments, primarily the notion that education is now "entirely computer based". This notion is quite the contrary, according to educators, rather the new methods not only encourage flexibility and invite individualized learning but also promotes computer skills which will be vital for adulthood.
I think this article is interesting because it highlights the fundamental change covid has made and continues to make on society. In order to promote public health and safety, teachers were forced to adjust and were forced to rework how they educated. This compelling of behavior has rendered some positivity. I think it is critical that children are able to have the safest and most effective education, and while covid seems terribly negative, there is a small glimmer of improvement from the pre-pandemic world.
This article was published in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette.
In the future, the world will be clean, with no germs.
In the future I want to be a baseball player.
Yo quiero ser un jugador de fútbol
No taxes, no Roblox, no homework, no veggies, no pollution.
Edgar will be President and I will be Vice President
Ser el jugador, estrella de todo el mundo.
I hope that in the future I am a gajillionaire and the world will have high tech cars, machines, etc. All humans will be smart so schools will not exist! I also hope that people will live forever, but that will also mean that people cannot have babies. Which means that we cannot reproduce because the world would be over populated. The world will also have a high technology system named "Operation Last Long" which will allow us to survive when the Sun eats Earth, which will be kind of cool because we will be living inside the Sun. The sight would be cool and I'd be very fortunate to not be melting! But before that happens life will be extraordinary! All food will be brought to the next level! Everybody will have super powers too! And Magic will finally exist! With infinite land, space and etc. with infinite money too! Because then everyone will be gajillionaires! So there will be no homeless people and no one will suffer from financial problems.
Santa Monica is the future
20 years in the future
All these eyes will help for seeing things better. Or if you're getting attacked these eyes will help you dodge or more.
No more people = no more pollution; it's the truth
No violence in the world
Let's celebrate our differences
I wish that I turned into the Flash,
This is a news article detailing the work of health officials and scientists and a new program of tracking COVID in wastewater through a program at the University of Arkansas. The Arkansas Department of Health hopes this new program will allow scientists and health officials to receive an early warning about a potential surge in the spread of COVID and take appropriate measures to minimize the potential damage. If successful, the University and the Arkansas Department of Health hope to apply for a $30 million dollar grant from the CDC to implement the process across the country and perform more research. The basic premise is to collect a sample of wastewater and test for COVID-19 and thereby generally derive if the community is increasing or decreasing in cases. While the program cannot give a specific number of afflicted individuals, it is suggested that understanding COVID in wastewater will give health officials a better understanding of those who test at home and therefore do not report on state-wide numbers.
This article is fascinating, I think, because it demonstrates a rapid growth in scientific ideas to combat the pandemic since the dawn of COVID in America. Indeed, COVID has permeated every aspect of our lives, so it is only natural to derive a solution from even the most mundane aspects of humanity. It would seem impossible to gain a greater understanding of COVID from something such as wastewater, but the pervasiveness of COVID has encouraged study such as this. I think the ultimate mission of this program is valuable. When I had COVID at the start of February, I took an at home test and therefore I was not reported as a number in the statewide totals. This article really made me think about whether or not we as a society really know how many people are afflicted with COVID and just how serious the pandemic is or not.
This article was published in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette.
This is important to me because weight lifting is important when it comes to playing baseball. Even know Covid-19 had hit us and closed down the gym, my friend and I were determined to stay as strong as possible so when we got back to playing we weren't behind anybody. With that being said, we made a squat rack out of wood and used it multiple times a week. We also made a deadlift platform that took us about a week to make and used that a bunch as well.
This is a newspaper article detailing the repercussions of China's "Zero-COVID" policy and the impact it has on families. The story reports a rise in deaths at a Shanghai hospital for the elderly and a further rise in COVID cases in Shanghai. Extensive regulations at the hospital have forced a decrease in hospital staff to manage the many elderly patients suffering with COVID. The article details that a significant number of patients are asymptomatic, yet are placed in strict quarantine to minimize the spread. There are reports of several patients dying due to a lack of proper care from medical professionals who are forced to be absent from the patient as they are locked in strict quarantine. The article further suggests that perhaps China's "Zero-COVID" policy approach is creating far more significant damage to individuals and their families than good.
I think this article is interesting because it details an alternative approach to U.S. policy which has maintained a very relaxed and hands-off attitude for a majority of the pandemic. While many states took arguably excessively extreme measures, many states were lax on quarantine, mask enforcement, lockdown protocols, etc. Furthermore, China's policy seems a bit excessive, so perhaps the right answer lies somewhere in the middle.
This Article was published April 10th, 2022 in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette.
Mask trash by parque 15 de enero in Arequipa, Peru.
I think many people in the US have similar experiences with the beginning of COVID-19. I worked at Walmart at the time, so I saw first hand the progression of seriousness that took place. Thinking back on it now, it was like a movie. It started out like a movie; rumors of some deadly virus in China was spreading rapidly, and everyone is in danger. The world could be affected by this sickness. Most didn't really take it seriously, but one day, everyone decided that it actually was that serious. Walmart has never seen busy like COVID-19. The shelves were emptied like an apocalypse. It really did feel like a movie. I do think that my experience during COVID-19 was different than others in a few ways.
I am Asian, and COVID-19 reminded me of that constantly. Asian hate is underreported and normalized for many reasons, but COVID-19 was the biggest recent occurrence where Asian people were discriminated against brutally. News posts were going around where Asian Americans were attacked on the streets, even though they were born and raised in the United States and have never stepped foot in China. Many, like myself, weren't even Chinese. The ignorance was at an all time high, and typical racist comments were more prevalent than ever. “Go back to China” was used more than ever, and Donald Trump encouraged the hate with “Kong flu” and the “China virus.” Racist comments hurt, but the fact that people were being attacked sparked a new fear in the Asian community. It’s crazy to think about the day when my family gathered and talked about the violence that was going on; they told me to be careful and aware of my surroundings because people like this were everywhere, and anyone could be a victim. The Asian community was heavily impacted, but somehow, some people to this day still don't know that this kind of hate was occurring during COVID-19. Asian hate was still underreported and normalized, as it always is. It’s always sad to be reminded that no matter how American you are, and no matter if you were born and raised here or not, your race will always be the most signifying thing about you, and people will use it to segregate you whenever they want to.
In a world wide pandemic, it is important to get first hand accounts and feelings to be able to look into later.
before the pandemic happened I didn't have to worry about getting sick with my weak immune system but when covid happened I had to take extra precautions on what I do so I wouldn't catch covid
This is the fifteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 21, 2022, positive cases have risen to 1565 from 1188 on March 17, 2022.
This is the fourteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 17, 2022, positive cases have risen to 1188 from 433 on March 10, 2022.
This is the thirteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 10, 2022, positive cases have risen to 433 from 343 on March 9, 2022. The DOH advised that elders are strongly recommended to get the booster shot.
This is the twelfth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 9, 2022, positive cases have risen to 343 from 291 on March 7, 2022. The people of American Samoa are still advised to get their vaccine shots and booster shot. The numbers jumped by 52 cases after two days. The report also shows how many doses of vaccine and booster were administered.