
The Meaning of Sunset in Lockdown

Title (Dublin Core)

The Meaning of Sunset in Lockdown

Description (Dublin Core)

This photo is from A Journal of the Plague Year in the Philippines, submitted by Mark Anthony Angeles on May 19th, 2020. I picked this photo because it connects to my experience from lockdown. The sunset to me represents an end of a chapter or era, as in, the end of my first half as an undergrad student. While it was stressful by end of sophomore year, I pulled through without any issues. But the light of the sunset to me also means that there is hope and that things will get better. That’s what I hope throughout lockdown, hope😌. #lockdownstatenisland

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This item was submitted on March 13, 2023 by Justin Collesano using the form “Share Your Lockdown Staten Island Story” on the site “Lockdown Staten Island”:

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