
The Spiritual Enlightenment of the Quarantine

Title (Dublin Core)

The Spiritual Enlightenment of the Quarantine

Description (Dublin Core)

Whilst in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic we as people had lots of time to spend, let alone kids and teens. Because Covid swept the globe so quickly the Educational system was not prepared whatsoever which resulted in the student not even having zoom classes. With this gained a lot of time that I did not know to manage, and so I started my Spiritual Enlightenment. This Enlightenment was basically me starting to read books, paint and improve my ties with my family. Painting stayed with me for a large time of that year but sadly I had to let it go when we started school once more. I entered High School as a different but better version of myself

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This item was submitted on July 14, 2022 by Noah Kourtzidis using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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