
Covid Isolation

Title (Dublin Core)

Covid Isolation

Description (Dublin Core)

So one of my roommates got covid and because of that we had to self isolate ourselves in our rooms because we found out a couple days after he came back without taking a covid test to see if he had it before coming back. With that being said it was just very difficult to process and go through because there was 4 of us and only one could come out at a time making it very hard for us since we loved to communicate and talk to each other while watching shows in the living room yet now we had to just lock ourselves in our rooms not being able to see each other until my roommate was cleared. It is just hard to adjust right away to being locked in a room for weeks on end and because of it many can really get depressed and just feel awful at times. I wanted to highlight this because of how much of an impact just getting this virus has because some don't believe how bad it is but by now everyone should have realized how bad this pandemic really is for others that have it way worse.

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