
Our Link to the World

Title (Dublin Core)

Our Link to the World

Description (Dublin Core)

This photo is of my trusty laptop that got me through the pandemic. During the lockdown, I actually had to travel a lot for work. During my travels this laptop kept me linked in with work, school, and my family. Though my particular COVID story is different than most, I believe that my object is relatable to a lot of people. Many people can relate to having to telework, being forced into online school, and only being able to contact loved ones remotely. While remote working, learning, and conversing is nothing compared to real life, technology played a large role in our lives during COVID and I cant imagine how things would have been without it.

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This item was submitted on May 7, 2022 by Bryan Paintiff using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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