
Florida Will Urge Parents Not To Vaccinate ‘Healthy’ Kids, Going Against CDC Advice

Title (Dublin Core)

Florida Will Urge Parents Not To Vaccinate ‘Healthy’ Kids, Going Against CDC Advice

Description (Dublin Core)

This is a news story from Scary Mommy, written by Lauren Levy. This story deals with Florida's position on vaccinating children and going against CDC guidelines. The author, Levy, is very against this and thinks it is irresponsible to be contrary to what the CDC suggests, claiming that it will make things more dangerous for kids if they don't take the vaccine. Some have been raising concerns that people are taking politicians words over those of doctors. Opponents have reminded parents that this is just a suggestion from Florida politicians, and not a mandate, meaning that they can discern for themselves if the vaccine is right for their kids. Ultimately, Levy believes parents should ignore what Florida politicians say and listen to doctors instead on what to do.

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