The Covid Birthday
Title (Dublin Core)
The Covid Birthday
Description (Dublin Core)
Back in April 2020, just after the whole Covid-19 outbreak began, it was probably one of the worst days of my life. For starters, I'm the son of one of the greatest mothers on this talent, I love my mother so much and would put anything aside for her every need. My mother's birthday is April 8th, so it's actually coming up this Friday, which is why I share this story with you. During the covid outbreak and til this moment, I have never had a positive covid test, not saying I may or might've not had it is beyond me. Unfortunately during the start of the outbreak in the Houston area, my mother was one of those unlucky people who caught covid early on and what made it worse was, it was about 2 days before her birthday. She was miserable from several illnesses attacking her body all at once, and there was nothing we could do for her except pray and wait. My mother laid in bed on her bday the entire day, she was running a fever, shivering from chills, and throwing up nearly every hour. She lost a lot of weight from this incident too and I was appalled by it all. On her birthday, I sat right outside her bedroom door the entire day and just talked with her while each of us wore a mask to try and prevent the spread within our own house. I would do anything for my mom, and I could tell that me staying with her all day to keep her company was something she most definitely enjoyed!
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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This item was submitted on April 5, 2022 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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