
The Virus That Slowed Us Down

Title (Dublin Core)

The Virus That Slowed Us Down

Description (Dublin Core)

I was worried before the virus as to what would happen to the world if we just kept moving forward like we were. It seemed that the world was in the motion of forward, keep going going going going. Do not stop, do not stop, keep moving forward. In a way the virus showed us more than we could have ever asked for. Once we were all stripped of the things we all enjoyed and loved, things changed. We were introduced to new things that we did not feel or experience again because we left them behind in our continuously moving forward lifestyle. The people that needed to do some internal viewing was able to stand back, and work on themselves. The people that did not know where they were going in life had a chance to breathe and catch up with the state of the world. Do not get me wrong, the virus was the worst thing to happen to our society...but it also showed us that we are all not different. Sadly some aspects of it were politicized and given a merit for your views, but in the end, the people that took it for what they could .. learned.

We become better fathers, better mothers...better friends, better siblings,, a better us.

We seen the things we were missing that were in-front of us all along and that was each other.

The virus forced empathy upon us and everyone around us. The world will forever be changed by the one thing we could never fight against and that was ourselves.

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This item was submitted on March 13, 2022 by Pascual Lopez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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