
The Most Important Birthday- COVID Edition

Title (Dublin Core)

The Most Important Birthday- COVID Edition

Description (Dublin Core)

21st Birthday's in my family have always been a staple. We go out, eat dinner, celebrate with drinks, the whole nine yards. Well, that changed with the pandemic. I figured that for my 20th it was fine because I was only turning 20. When I got to my 21st, I was hoping things would change, But restaurants still were closed, bars had strict mandates. What was I to do? Well because of this. I had to spend both my 20th and 21st birthdays in my home, doing nothing but playing video games. This was a birthday I looked forward to my entire life, a birthday that most look forward to, spent playing video games. Completely ruined by a national pandemic. I was devasted, my entire mindset to the day was completely ruined and it was all due to the Pandemic. Mind you, I did have my family with me so that did not change, but the entire tradition that every one of my siblings received was taken away from me. To this day, I am still completely upset about how the Pandemic took my day away from me, but what could I do about it? Everyone was facing the same issues and I know that many birthdays were probably ruined as mine was. This Pandemic has controlled almost every aspect of our lives for the last two years, and it makes you wonder. Will it ever end? Will life ever return to the way it was before the Pandemic? I am not sure when it will go back to normal, but sure am hopeful it does at some point because I do not want anyone to have their birthday celebration stripped away as mine was.

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This item was submitted on February 3, 2022 by Nico Orengo using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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