
Hamilton meet the Pandemic

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Hamilton meet the Pandemic

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Last year, due to the ongoing pandemic, my friends and I could not see each other as everything occurs digitally. However, we found a way out of this, and that was through calling online. Although it was different from seeing each other in real life, my friends and I would often bond together by calling and playing games with one another. The screenshot tells a story of how we all had matching ghost profile pics as it was Halloween at the time. Even though the experience was different, it was still very unique and special. We decided to watch Hamilton as it had always been something interesting or cool that we wanted to try watching. It was like going to the movie theater or attending a musical concert with your friend, except you're doing this all at home. I remember the first quarter of my sophomore year as a time where learning took place through digital apps. For example, in chemistry, instead of doing actual labs that would require us to all be at school, my teacher found a way out of it and demonstrated the labs through various online sites. Now, my junior year where we all safely transition back to in-person school. In my AP biology class, we are not doing labs physically and it was such a fun and exciting experience for me. A big difference between my Sophomore and Junior year was that the method of learning was very different, with one relying heavily on digital apps. If I were given a chance to give my freshmen version of myself a piece of advice, I would tell myself to enjoy the time that I have left to hang out with my loved ones because the pandemic will change your life to an extent that you cannot imagine.
Screenshot of when we were all at home calling and watching Hamilton together

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This item was submitted on November 27, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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