
5 Minutes

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5 Minutes

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During the pandemic, I went to school online and it was a very difficult task. I would say I lost a lot of motivation to do anything. Everyday, I would wake up 5 minutes before my class started and it was very hard to pay attention when I was given the option to do class in bed. After a period would go by, I would fall asleep and wake up 5 minutes before class started again until all the periods passed for the day. I did a lot of cramming for test and assignments because it didn't feel important to me. I feel like the pandemic was very hard because of being inside all day. Once sports opened up at my school again, I was able to go outside of the house to go to practice and it was very fun. Leaving the house was a good feeling because I wasn't being lazy all day. Another thing about the pandemic was that I was trying to get my drivers license but the DMV was closed most of the time so it pushed back the time for me to get my license.

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This item was submitted on November 27, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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