
Seconds to life

Title (Dublin Core)

Seconds to life

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Time can only tell what the future holds in front of us. Two years into this pandemic and time had drained, some having more in the hour glass than others. Cherish the times where you are able to do your favorite things with family. When the time strikes, the unpredictable occurs without a warning in sight. Never take advantage of items in your possession. Never make complaints. Never compare your life to others. The human body is unpredictable to even the highest honor of physicians, be attentive towards loved ones. Most importantly, cherish your own circumstances; there will be days of sorrow and days of joy. Live life to the fullest before your time has reached the gotten of the hole.

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test story

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This item was submitted on November 2, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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