
COVID-safe posters in school - Jewish Melbourne

Title (Dublin Core)

COVID-safe posters in school - Jewish Melbourne

Description (Dublin Core)

"Be a Mench, Wear a Mask." Sounds like a Jewish superhero slogan!
This poster, using the Yiddish word 'mench' or 'mentsh,' "a person of integrity and honor," published in the Australian Jewish News has been cut out and stuck onto the door of the Jewish Studies (ייִדישע שטודיעס) office, alongside a sign expressing the limit of people inside the room.
There has been unclear government mandates on mask wearing inside schools, mainly when it comes to standing at the head of a classroom, but this poster has reminded all walking past the JS office of the mask's importance throughout the pandemic.

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This item was submitted on November 1, 2021 by Joshua Reuben using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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