
My submission for the Covid archive


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My submission for the Covid archive

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Where do I even start? Covid, the pandemic, vaccines, quarantine, and masks have become such a normal thing for me now. To think only 2 years ago I had never even heard of Coronavirus or a pandemic. I remember it all started right before spring break in my 6th-grade year. The teachers were telling us that spring break might last a bit longer than normal, but of course, no one was listening and no one cared. Then all of a sudden it started. The beginning of the quarantine was nice. People didn't see the reality of the situation we were in. I was happy because it was like an extended vacation. I picked up hobbies and spent more time with my parents and brother. But then more and more time started passing without things going back to the way they were. Everyone I knew, myself included, started getting cabin fever. So much free time and nothing to do. I couldn't see my friends, travel, or go anywhere besides the grocery store. I got really lonely at this time. I didn't do really anything for about a year. In the second year, things started getting a bit better. I think this might have been when online school started. Online school was hard. I had to wake up every day and go to class after class. I couldn't do anything hands-on
and even though they were trying, it was becoming increasingly hard to pay attention to my teachers. I had so many distractions. My zoom meetings and homework became a bore. I sat at a computer by myself in my room for around 11 hours a day. Time became non-existent for me. All I knew was get up, sit through 7 zoom meetings a day, do my homework, and sleep. I never kept track of the month or day. Plus, there were all those major events like the capitol riots, George Floyd, the protests, Black Lives Matter, the death of Kobe Bryant, murder hornets, and many others. But eventually, the horizon cleared a little and I could start doing some things again. I could actually see my friends in person (with precautions). From there things got better. The vaccines came out. School started in person again. And now here we are. Now I'm 2 years older and my life has been completely changed. The pandemic has affected me and the people I love in so many ways. But it's not all bad and we are closer to things being back to normal. These past two years were crazy, but they did benefit me in some ways. I'm closer with my family, and I appreciate the little things more. It's undeniable that I'm a completely different person than I was before this all happened, but I like to think I've changed to be a better person and all of this has helped me grow. I can't wait to see how this all ends, and I await the day everything will go back to normal.

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