
HIST30060: Mental Health Appointment

Title (Dublin Core)

HIST30060: Mental Health Appointment

Description (Dublin Core)

Here is a screenshot of a medical appointment reminder for a psychologist in regional Victoria. I had been seeing this psychologist for a few years at this point, however, during the pandemic only telehealth or phonecall appointments were available. These were stressful experiences to conduct these online and finding a safe, quiet space in my house was difficult. That being said, I was lucky to have a psychologist during this period, as I know that many people were not able to recieve adequate care due to the influx of necessity. I chose this appointment reminder specifically as it occurred during the brief reprieve from lockdown early in 2021. It shows how certain health providers (their names have been blacked out for anonymity) have their own unique requirements that must be followed.

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This item was submitted on October 18, 2021 by Winter Greet using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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