Sweet Smell of Peroxide
Title (Dublin Core)
Sweet Smell of Peroxide
Description (Dublin Core)
You could not walk into any establishment last year without the delightful smell of disinfectant and cleaning products entering your nostrils. When I worked at Aldi and Lowes last year, the cleaning products sold out in two weeks at the start of the pandemic. The lack of these products became so bad that stores across the country had to regulate home many products consumers could buy at a time. The regulation for disinfecting the stores I worked at were in 30 minute intervals. Shopping carts, door knobs, flat surfaces, and bathrooms were all expected to be disinfected on a continuous loop. Although I agreed that these procedures were necessary, they products were used eventually caused me to develop anosmia. Today, my current job still has a huge supply of disinfectant wipes stocked up underneath the kitchen counter. This sight bewilders me because I never would have thought two years ago that having Lysol and wipes on hand would be seen as necessary now in our present future. To this day, I still cannot smell disinfectants, perfumes, and other fragrances to their entirety. I honestly see this as a blessing and curse due to past experiences with both strong aromas and odors.
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Business & Industry
Health & Wellness
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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This item was submitted on October 14, 2021 by Ashley Hampton using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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