Five years took for granted
Title (Dublin Core)
Five years took for granted
Description (Dublin Core)
Five. This was the number of years that I was able to spend with one of the most important people in my life, my uncle. From the moment I moved here in Brooklyn, he was one of the few that made me feel welcomed. He loved me, took care of me and supported me as if we'd know each other our entire lives. He stood as a second father figure to me, and he truly always managed to put a smile on everyone's face. But, on March 28th, 2020 COVID-19 got the best of him and unfortunately passed away. I was devastated and so heartbroken. Despite how painful his death was, it taught me many valuable lessons. But, I believe the most important one is to not take each day we get to spend with our families for granted.
Sophomore undergrad majoring in Public Health.
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This item was submitted on September 30, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story With Us” on the site “Brooklyn College New York”:
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