Resilience, Hope, and Turbulent Waters: have we learned?
Title (Dublin Core)
Resilience, Hope, and Turbulent Waters: have we learned?
Description (Dublin Core)
I’m torn. I see resilience and hope: Resilience of so many in societies across the world who reconfigured their everyday lives to attempt to keep the virus at bay and hope swept in largely by Biden and his competent army of experienced workers who believe in the power of government to be a positive and unifying agent of change. But, we have a troubled world with a geopolitical climate and an environmental climate pushing us into turbulent waters. I’m torn because I have seen the virus pull us together as a community of pods and isolate us from one another.
My hope and dream? That we learn from this Covid journey to do better with the other crises bearing down on us. That each of us take up individually and as a community the challenge to address climate change now in our homes, in our daily tasks, in the way we function in our communities, and at the ballot box.
My hope and dream? That we learn from this Covid journey to do better with the other crises bearing down on us. That each of us take up individually and as a community the challenge to address climate change now in our homes, in our daily tasks, in the way we function in our communities, and at the ballot box.
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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This item was submitted on August 10, 2021 by Susan Giesberg using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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