
The years of struggle!

Title (Dublin Core)

The years of struggle!

Description (Dublin Core)

In 2018 I had to face a lot of emotional traumas in my life. These traumas made me a single mother of my 3 children. I was having a hard time adjusting to being the sole provider and the only person my kids could now rely on. I had never been to fond of school but with my new life I had been contemplating going back. After a lot of support of my family I decided that it would be best for me and my kids if I went back to school. I joined an Associates degree course for Social work and human services. I felt like I was thriving in school for the first time. Then the pandemic hit and my world changed again. Now I had all my classes online as well as homeschooling and raising 3 children on my own. At times I felt like the universe was truly against me these last few years. At the end I have just realized that nothing is to hard for me to overcome. I'm so grateful for mine and my families health at the end of this pandemic and I'm grateful for experiences and lessons learned.

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personal story
text story

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This item was submitted on July 27, 2021 by rachel Merryman using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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