How an eighth grader felt about the pandemic at the end of 2020
Title (Dublin Core)
How an eighth grader felt about the pandemic at the end of 2020
Description (Dublin Core)
I’m doing great! This is definitely a hard time for everyone during this pandemic, but we are all slowly getting used to it. It stinks not to be able to hang out with a big group of people, but I’d much rather prevent this virus from affecting people. I’m worried for my family because I don’t want them to get sick especially since they are all older than me. I hope it will all be over soon, and that the vaccine will come soon too. One thing I really wish was school could go back to normal. I don’t like having to wear a mask all day and wish I could see people’s faces. Also, I wish we could do group projects because they’re always so much fun. Along with going to lunch and being able to eat in the cafeteria. School is definitely the biggest change throughout the pandemic for me. Otherwise, I’m adjusting pretty well so that’s good!
Date (Dublin Core)
Type (Dublin Core)
text story
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
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