El artículo que nunca quise escribir sobre la muerte de mi padre por coronavirus
Title (Dublin Core)
El artículo que nunca quise escribir sobre la muerte de mi padre por coronavirus
Description (Dublin Core)
Natalia Martin Cantero comparte su experiencia con el virus. Describe como llevaba meses ecribiendo de las experiencias de otros y nunca se imagino que estubiera escribiendo de su vida personal. Su padre callo enfermo en Enero, termino en cuidado intensivos y fallecio en Abril de complicaciones a los 75 años.
Natalia Martin Cantero shares her experience with the virus. She describes how she spent months writing about others' experiences and never thought she would be writing about her personal life. Her father became ill in January, ended up in an intensive care unit, and passed away in April at the age of 75.
Natalia Martin Cantero shares her experience with the virus. She describes how she spent months writing about others' experiences and never thought she would be writing about her personal life. Her father became ill in January, ended up in an intensive care unit, and passed away in April at the age of 75.
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news article, articulo de noticia
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This item was submitted on April 13, 2021 by Angelica Ramos using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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