
COVID-19 variants

Title (Dublin Core)

COVID-19 variants

Description (Dublin Core)

This is an article about the variants of COVID-19 that are either present or emerging in the United States. It is meant to keep EMS providers informed with up-to-date information so that they can provide the best care to patients. Some of the variants are more dangerous/have more symptoms than others. It notes that there is 5 variants of concern, which have increased transmissibility and increased hospitalizations/deaths. While this is not great news, it is a good thing that there are currently no variants in the world that are considered variants of high consequence by the CDC, which essentially means that medicine does not have effective means of treating it. Hopefully this remains the case and we can start to see a drop off of the variants of concern soon.

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This item was submitted on April 11, 2021 by Matthew Williams using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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