A People's Recovery
Title (Dublin Core)
A People's Recovery
Description (Dublin Core)
This is a screenshot of a post from the official Communist Party of Canada’s Instagram account. This post calls for the introduction of a $23/hr minimum wage, 14 paid sick leave for all on behalf of the employers, and a cut to the work week to 32 hours with 40 hours of take-home pay. These reforms are more than needed, and will help alleviate struggles which have been exaggerated by the pandemic on everyday people. As strategies of austerity, and cutting of social security/benefits, empowering the private sector has not been working; rather these strategies have only brought suffering to the people, who are already struggling with a global pandemic. The Communist Party of Canada calls for united action in this post, stating that these reforms will not be freely given by the bourgeois ruling class as history has shown. Only through direction action and the mobilization of the worker will the just rewards of our labor be secured – as these interests are directly opposed to the interests of the capitalist ruling class. I feel this item in particular would be useful in documenting radical history during the pandemic, how left wing politics/activism functioned in a digitally quarantined setting. As primarily Instagram and Twitter were used to mobilize advocacy for direct action and to generate class consciousness amongst Canadians in this time of pandemic; which has seen the growth of income inequality and a shocking lack of federal support for Canadians.
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This item was submitted on April 9, 2021 by Padraic Cohen using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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