L.A. County teachers, grocery workers, restaurant staff and other essential workers can sign up for COVID-19 vaccines
Title (Dublin Core)
L.A. County teachers, grocery workers, restaurant staff and other essential workers can sign up for COVID-19 vaccines
Description (Dublin Core)
Los Angeles Country prioritized teachers, grocery workers, restaurant staff, and other essential workers in their vaccine rollout, making them eligible the beginning of March. Given the high level of exposure these positions involve, this is necessary to protect essential workers and limit the spread of Covid-19. Also prioritized are transportation workers, homeless individuals and those in prisons, as they are often in close contact with groups of people. Not all states are following this prioritization of essential workers despite the CDC recommendations, focusing instead on factors such as age to guide their rollout. By protecting teachers, service industry workers, and others in contact with large numbers of people every day, we can slow the spread of Covid-19.
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This item was submitted on April 4, 2021 by Julia Jensen using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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