
How does the pandemic affect children?

Title (Dublin Core)

How does the pandemic affect children?

Description (Dublin Core)

This link talks about the effects the pandemic has on children's nutritional health and physical activity. With parents already being stressed about managing through the pandemic, the quality of care for children had gone down. According to this site "Families report that during COVID-19 mitigation, time spent in physical activity and sports has decreased while sleep time and screen time have increased." It is understandable that this is an issue as children are limited from going outside as families fear for their health along with the lack of social life has caused children to sleep and use electronics more as a sense of coping from boredom. Not only is this affecting children now but will affect the future of these children as these will become habits, and habits are something that is hard to grow out of when they are developed since childhood.

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American Academy of Pediatrics

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This item was submitted on March 31, 2021 by Fatima Husain using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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