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As of today, we as a society have been struck by two major pandemics, COVID-19 and Racism. Although both of these pandemics aren't an easy fix it is important to acknowledge and remember those that have lost there lives to these two catastrophes. On each of the two sheets, I wrote down the names of 100 people that have lost to either the virus or police brutality in the United States on the backside of each sheet I wrote 'Black Lives Matter' and 'Covid-19' to signify the cause of death for the said group of names. I decided to sew the two sheets together to show how in both instances racial discrimination and bias can be accounted for as reasons for the death of these individuals. For this project, I wanted to make a piece to remember the people behind the statistics, to humanize them in an otherwise forgetful world, and to say their names.

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This item was submitted on March 18, 2021 by Ashley Chavez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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