Justice for Vanessa Guillen
Title (Dublin Core)
Justice for Vanessa Guillen
Description (Dublin Core)
"The lives of Latino soldiers should be just as valuable as the lives of any other soldier of any other ethnicity. Together we are going to move seas, and together even the heavens will hear us. Whether it be for Black Lives Matter, for Vanessa, for Sean, for George, for Breonna, for everybody, for Andreas. We are going to do it," said Samantha Varela, protesting for Army Spc. Vanessa Guillen.
Details of Vanessa Guillen's death and disappearance are just beginning to be revealed. It still doesn't paint a full picture of the Army's negligence in preventing and responding to sexual assault and harassment.
Follow @findvanessaguillen for the latest updates and national actions. Funds are currently being raised for a March in DC on July 30th to demand a Congressional investigation into her death.
Photos from Justice for Vanessa Guillen, July 12, 2020
Details of Vanessa Guillen's death and disappearance are just beginning to be revealed. It still doesn't paint a full picture of the Army's negligence in preventing and responding to sexual assault and harassment.
Follow @findvanessaguillen for the latest updates and national actions. Funds are currently being raised for a March in DC on July 30th to demand a Congressional investigation into her death.
Photos from Justice for Vanessa Guillen, July 12, 2020
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Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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This item was submitted on March 17, 2021 by Dana Bell using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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