Justice for Justin
Title (Dublin Core)
Justice for Justin
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"No one believed my story back then. I have an abundance of support now, where I didn't have none before. So I prayed for this day and prayed for each and every last one of you that's out here with me today. Saint Paul Police, your days of silencing me are over with. It's over with. To all the police in Minnesota and around the world. Your days of hurting our people are over with." - Toshira Garroway (@toshira_nicole ), Justin Teigen's fiance and mother to his child.
Justin was found dead in a recycling center after an encounter with the St. Paul Police (SPPD) eleven years ago. His family is demanding the MN Attorney General Keith Ellison (@repkeithellison) opens an investigation into his death.
Photos from Justice for Justin, August 19, 2020
Justin was found dead in a recycling center after an encounter with the St. Paul Police (SPPD) eleven years ago. His family is demanding the MN Attorney General Keith Ellison (@repkeithellison) opens an investigation into his death.
Photos from Justice for Justin, August 19, 2020
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This item was submitted on March 16, 2021 by Dana Bell using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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