
Workers From Fiver Spyhouse Locations Went on Strike

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Workers From Fiver Spyhouse Locations Went on Strike

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Workers from five Spyhouse locations went on strike to demand recognition of their union, Unite Here Local 17, and improve COVID-19 safety conditions.

Spyhouse owner, Christian Johnson, has hired a PR firm and lawyers with the intention of disrupting the unionization effort. The owner, through a PR firm, declined to comment on Saturday's strike.

Spyhouse workers are part of a growing new labor movement of hospitality workers in Minnesota. In recent months, workers from Tattersall, Lawless, Surly, Fair State, and Stillheart have collectively organized into a union to create more equitable workplace environments.

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This item was submitted on March 16, 2021 by Dana Bell using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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