
Coronaland -- “2021 -- Here We Go Again!”

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Coronaland -- “2021 -- Here We Go Again!”

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With Carnival parades cancelled, somebody had the bright idea to start the Krewe of House Floats to (a) make up for it and (b) to offer work to unemployed float artisans. The results have gone beyond everyone's wildest imagination with 5,000+ people signing up in New Orleans, surrounding parishes, and around the world. “2021 -- Here We Go Again!” on St. Charles used ABBA songs and a "Mamma Mia!" theme to send up a variety of things related to the pandemic.

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This is a picture taken of a person's house that has been decorated with various COVID-19 related messages or symbols. Some signs depict a container of hand sanitizer or a face mask, while a banner hanging from the roof reads "Don't Panic." Coronaland Linked Data Image
This is a picture of a series of decorations which encourage the viewer to make sure they get vaccinated. A character that resembles a monk clothed in a green robe is illustrated holding a needle and saying "Don't procrastinate, vaccinate!". Another mannequin dressed as a female doctor or nurse is next to this monk, and an object made to look like a COVID-19 particle stands on a pillar next to them. Coronaland Linked Data Image
This is a picture of a house decorated with several COVID-19 related objects. A yellow sign stuck in the lawn out front reads "Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine, Vacciiiine!" Two giant acoustic guitars also flank the entrance to the home. Coronaland Linked Data Image
Coronaland Linked Data Image
This is a picture of a building that has signs reading "clinic" attached to the front of it. A Red Cross flag is covering the entrance to the building, and small objects resembling COVID-19 particles hang in front of the flag. Coronaland Linked Data Image
This is a picture taken of a sign in front of a person's house. The sign reads: "This family has been here 300 plus days and counting...... Escaped to our rooms. Tell our Nola fam, the world, and our front line workers everywhere...... WE LOVE YOU ALL!" 28 tally marks are drawn at the bottom of the sign. Coronaland -- “Cast Away COVID Island” Linked Data Image
This is a picture taken of a house decorated in items related to COVID-19. A depiction of a COVID-19 germ sits on the front steps, and a fake dumpster with a skeleton and flames inside of it sits in front of the steps. The dumpster is labeled "IV Waste."Coronaland -- “Little Shop of 2020 Horrors” Linked Data Image
This is a picture taken of a person's fence, which has been decorated with multiple graphics relating to viral memes that were popular during the pandemic. A blue and black sign reads "winner takes all", with many brightly colored decorations covering the fence. Coronaland -- “2021 -- Here We Go Again!” Linked Data Image
This is a picture taken of a person's house which is decorated with various items related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. A line of poop shaped emojis with smiley faces hang from the roof, under which sits a line of dummies with skulls for heads each labeled under a different spelling of the name "Karen", with a sign underneath stating that each dummy did not wear their mask. A banner underneath these objects reads "2020 in musicals: 'Life is a Crap-aret'". The bottom of the banner encourages the reader to follow social distance protocols. Several mannequins dressed in medial gear or face masks flank the banner. Coronaland -- “Life is a Crap-aret” Linked Data Image
This is a picture of a sign outside a business which reads "Must wear Mardi Gras MASK to enter! Toilet paper SOLD OUT: Karen has it! Clorox wipes SOLD OUT: Karen has it! Hand sanitizer SOLD OUT: Karen has it! Cheese- 'to fold it in!': Aisle 9. 'Its about the WINE, not the label!': Aisle 12. 'Mall Pretzels!': Aisle 15. We do have SOAP so wash ya hands! Now offering 'Bebe's Chamber' while you shop. Curbside pick-up or home delivery available. 'Tweet us on Facebook'- Johnny Rose. LOVE, ACCEPTANCE, and LAUGHTER LIVE HERE! You are all ESSENTIAL. 'Frolic in the bawdy Dionysian bacchanal!'- Moira Rose." An image of a rose is present on the bottom of the sign.   Coronaland -- “Schitt$ Streets” Linked Data Image
House decorated for Mardi Gras.  A white cardboard clock has a pink flamingo in the center and text which reads, "Cuckoo From Covid". Coronaland Linked Data Interactive Resource
Exterior of home in New Orleans at night, lit with purple, green, and yellow lights.  Cardboard cut outs of people raising hands and dancing are on the ground, and hanging above, suspended from a tree, is a cardboard cut out of a doctor. Coronaland Linked Data Interactive Resource
Front porch with Halloween decorations.  Two skeletons hold sign that says, "Six Feet When Possible, Y'all!".Coronaland Linked Data Interactive Resource

This item was submitted on March 14, 2021 by Brian Sands using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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