Reusing the old ward for coronavirus patients Chiba Cancer Center (February 4, 2021)
Title (Dublin Core)
Reusing the old ward for coronavirus patients Chiba Cancer Center (February 4, 2021)
旧病棟をコロナ患者用に再利用 千葉県がんセンター(2021年2月4日) -
Description (Dublin Core)
This is a news of using old medical hospital that is not used for COVID-19 patients’ areas because hospitals are being packed with COVID-19 patients. This will definitely help hospitals that are overloaded. However, I am surprised that they have not started this earlier, when japan was hitting the first wave of COVID-19. Personally, Japan does take a lot of time to initiate something like this (MY PERSONAL OPINION) so maybe they had some sort of reason why they didn't do that initially.
Video translated by me.
Reuse the unused wards for people infected with the new coronavirus. It is the old ward of the Chiba Cancer Center that begins accepting patients. It was not used because a new ward for cancer was opened in October last year. In Chiba prefecture, the prefecture was becoming more overloaded, such as the occupancy rate of corona beds approaching 70%. They we will start accepting elderly people with mild symptoms from the 5th, gradually increase it, and finally accept about 70 people.
使っていない病棟を新型コロナウイルスの感染者のために再利用します。 患者の受け入れを始めるのは千葉県がんセンターの旧病棟です。 去年10月に新しい病棟ができたため使われていませんでした。 千葉県内ではコロナの病床の稼働率が7割近くになるなど医療が逼迫(ひっぱく)していることを受けて、県が準備を進めていました。 症状が軽い高齢者を中心に5日から受け入れを始め、段階的に増やして最終的に70人ほどを受け入れるということです。
Video translated by me.
Reuse the unused wards for people infected with the new coronavirus. It is the old ward of the Chiba Cancer Center that begins accepting patients. It was not used because a new ward for cancer was opened in October last year. In Chiba prefecture, the prefecture was becoming more overloaded, such as the occupancy rate of corona beds approaching 70%. They we will start accepting elderly people with mild symptoms from the 5th, gradually increase it, and finally accept about 70 people.
使っていない病棟を新型コロナウイルスの感染者のために再利用します。 患者の受け入れを始めるのは千葉県がんセンターの旧病棟です。 去年10月に新しい病棟ができたため使われていませんでした。 千葉県内ではコロナの病床の稼働率が7割近くになるなど医療が逼迫(ひっぱく)していることを受けて、県が準備を進めていました。 症状が軽い高齢者を中心に5日から受け入れを始め、段階的に増やして最終的に70人ほどを受け入れるということです。
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Type (Dublin Core)
Screenshot, video
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Source (Dublin Core)
ANN News Channel
Publisher (Dublin Core)
Asia News Network
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Collection (Dublin Core)
Over 60
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This item was submitted on February 4, 2021 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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