
The Stats Tell It All

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The Stats Tell It All

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One think thing that is great about having Covid-19 in this modern day of age is that we have the stats that will give us how may cases or deaths in out county, state, country to prove the relevance and inform the people. I live in United States of America and as of today we 25.2M cases of Covid-19. Of those 25.2M people 419K+ have died. Overall worldwide we have 99.3M cases and of those 99.3M people 54.8M have recovered and 2.13M have died. Covid-19 has affected me definitely but thankfully not as bad as most. I lucky to only know 3 people who have tested positive which in this case is very fortunate. Overall my final thoughts of Covid-19 is that it is very though and can kill all of us but if we work together and listen to the professionals.

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This item was submitted on January 25, 2021 by Sam Samara using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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